Cookie Jar is an exploration of the age-old question: who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
On May 24th 2019 16,000 Kiwi Students took to the streets to strike for action on climate change. As Sophie Handford from Generation Zero explains, our world leaders are not doing enough and they c...
The Department of Conservation (DOC) has a camera on a Royal Albatross nest at Taiaroa Head near Dunedin. On 28th September 2017 the young albatross, Tumanako, stretched his wings on land one last...
This short 11 minute short film is an early example of the genius of Taika Waititi. It shows his...
This speech is from a young man who hit a major bump in his life just as he was about to graduate from Christchurch Boys High School. The lessons that Jake Bailey learnt along the way can teach us ...
The Antarctic Research Centre at Victoria University is a source of interesting stories. Associate professor Nancy Bertler has made 13 trips to Antarctica carrying out her day job in temperatures...
During WW2 a NZ Columban Priest was martyred by Japanese soldiers in the Philippines. He came from Johnsonville in Wellington and was the priest at the Pililla church south east of Manilla. The J...
Inspiring Stories was founded by Guy Ryan, a former Young New Zealander of the Year. Guy and the team at Inspiring Stories have now supported tho...
The NZ Department of Conservation (DOC) is doing great work in protecting NZ's natural environment and native species. A good example of this their amazing work in saving Kakapo birds as explained ...